What you focus on changes.
This is the scientific crux of coaching. What we choose to focus on we can change and change for the better.
For me the shift happened with my first coach. When I began with her, I was completely unfocused and not quite willing to admit it. I knew, vaguely a lot of the things I wanted to accomplish but the busy work of my next lesson plan and being a coach were at the top of my list, not to mention any other number of hobbies I would begin and drop at a moments notice. Once I plunked down the cash that changed significantly. I knew I wanted to get my monies worth and that cash made the commitment stronger.
She helped me narrow down my goals and put the important ones first. My thinking cleared up and I felt so centered and present. I was in charge of my time and my life, not circumstances or the next urgency. Those urgencies that I figured out were really created by me and not being thrust upon me.
The best part was that I discovered all of this on my terms in my way. It wasn't someone preaching at me or telling me what to do. I was learning what I needed to learn at the time I needed it.
Whether it's more mindfulness with your kids or a great promotion at work or finding our soulmate, coaching opens the doors wider by cultivating in us the transformation so that it occurs in our outer world. We are released from our own unproductive thinking.
By taking the time and money to commit to the coaching agreement, we exponentially increase our focus and our ability to make lasting important changes. We create the change we want in our lives. And this change is easier, clearer and fun.
While we act partly as coach, mentor, personal trainer and manager, getting you to think more deeply and focus is where our power lies. The big part of what we do is act as a mediator to your thinking allowing you to think clearly, quickly and toward your own best interests.
Coaches are skilled at asking you the right questions, responding in a way that enhances clarity leading you to your own insights. It's a deep relationship between coach and coachee. Profound insights leading to profound change. This is where the magic happens in coaching conversations. Why? Because we're specifically trained to guide you to your best thinking and away from circular thinking and vagueness.
By getting to your core authentic self we help you create profound internal and external change. We get you past your blind spots and over or around real and perceived obstacles. Instead of a year from now saying I wish I had started sooner, you'll be basking in the glow of some of your greatest achievements.
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